Position PageThe position page displays your current position’s lat-itude, longitude, altitude and time. It also displays yourground track and speed whenever you’re moving.The position page lets you enter a position’s latitudeand longitude manually. During satellite acquisition, theposition displayed is the last computed position stored inmemory. To speed up the acquisition process, you canenter a more accurate initial position or reference airport(see page 7). At a minimum, be sure to accurately enterthe latitude and longitude to the nearest degree.To manually enter a position:1. Highlight the position field and press E.2. Use the arrow keys to enter the new position and pressE to confirm.When the GPS 92 is acquiring satellites or navigatingin the 2D mode, the last known altitude will be used tocompute your position. You may also manually enter analtitude. Keep in mind that GPS altitude may vary signif-icantly from pressure altimeters. Never use GPS altitudefor vertical navigation.To enter an altitude manually:1. Highlight the altitude field and press E.2. Use the arrow keys to enter the altitude and pressE to confirm.The position page also features a resettable trip odome-ter to measure the total distance traveled while navigating.To reset the trip odometer:1. Highlight the trip field and press E.2. Press the left arrow key while the highlight is on the leftmost character position and press E.The trip odometer and altitude fields may be reconfig-ured to display average speed (AVSPD), maximum speed(MXSPD), trip time (TTIME) or elapsed time (ELPSD).To change the trip odometer or altitude fields:1. Highlight the field you wish to change and press E.2. Select the desired option with the up or down arrowkeys and press E.Entering an altitude manu-ally.The trip odometer may bereset to measure distancetravelled on your next trip.Position PageReference40