Going To a DestinationOne of the many benefits of GPS navigation is theability to fly directly to a waypoint or fly along a chainof waypoints without relying totally on ground-basednavigation aids. To take advantage of the convenienceand efficiency of point-to-point GPS navigation, the GPS92 provides three methods of selecting a destination foryour flight: GOTO, TracBack and route navigation.The GOTO function provides a fast way to set acourse to a destination from your present position,while the route function allows you to create a chain ofwaypoints to follow in sequence toward a selected desti-nation.Whether you’re flying a GOTO course or a route,there are a few basic concepts and terms that apply to allpoint-to-point GPS navigation. Routes are broken downand navigated in smaller segments called “legs”. The dia-gram above shows a basic route consisting of five way-points and four legs.The waypoint you are going to in a leg is called the“active to” waypoint (MAP), and the waypoint immedi-ately behind you is called the “active from” waypoint(SGF). The line between the “active to” and the “activefrom” waypoint is called the “active leg”. When you acti-vate a route with the GPS 92, it will automatically selectthe route leg closest to your position as the active leg, andprovide navigation guidance directly to the “active to”waypoint of that leg.ACTIVE LEGEOSKTULSGFKSTL'ACTIVE FROM' WAYPOINT 'ACTIVE TO' WAYPOINTMAPGOTO & RouteNavigationReference29