Selecting Waypoints on ScreenFrom the zoom or pan fields, the cursor highlightmay be moved into the map display by pressing the downarrow key. The arrow keys will now move the highlightthrough the map and “point” at on-screen waypoints.To point at a displayed waypoint on the map:1. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor highlight to themap field.2. Once you are in the map field, use the arrow keys toscroll through on-screen waypoints. The arrow key youuse will determine the direction you will scroll.3. When you have scrolled through all the on-screen way-points, the cursor will move back to the zoom, pan oroption function field.4. To return the highlight to the zoom field, press Q.Once a waypoint has been selected in the map field,its distance and bearing from your present position willbe displayed in the destination field.Advanced Zooming & PanningTo get the most out of the panning function, you needto be able to zoom in and out while you’re panning. Thislets you move the map at a faster speed and zoom in formore waypoint details. Once the pan function is activat-ed, the cursor highlight moves back to the zoom field.To adjust the zoom range while panning:1. Press the E key to begin zoom scale selection.2. Use the up and down arrow keys to select the mapscale. Press E to return to normal panning mode.During panning, the crosshair represents a targetposition on the map, with the range and bearing to thetarget displayed at the top of the screen. You can also usethe target crosshair to mark a new waypoint position oras a GOTO destination right from the map field.To mark the crosshair position as a new waypoint:1. Press M to capture the position.2. Enter a new name and route number if you wish andpress E to return to the map page.While panning, you maychange the zoom scale with-out having to switch frompanning mode to zoommode.To highlight an on-screenwaypoint, simply place thecursor on top of the way-point. A black box willappear around the way-point with the name shownin white letters.AdvancedZooming &PanningReference43