GPS 72H Owner’s ManualMarine NavigationSwvelbase4. If securing the base with machinebolts, drill three 5/32 in. (4 mm)holes.NOTE: If securing the base usingself-tapping screws, drill 1/16 in.(1.5 mm) starter holes at thelocations you marked. Starter holesshould be no deeper than half thescrew length.5. Secure the swivel base withthree bolts or screws. Do notovertighten.6. Align the mounting hole on thecradle with the holes on the bailmount and secure it with the bailmount knob.Adjusting the Viewing Angle1. Tilt the GPS unit by loosening theknob.2. Rotate the entire bracketassembly by loosening the bailmount knob on the swivel base.Knob3. Select your preferred viewingangle and tighten the knobs.