2 GPS 72H Owner’s ManualSettingsDepth—set to show in feet, fathoms,or meters. The GPS 72H mustbe connected to a NMEA deviceproviding the DPT or DBT sentence.For more information, see page 34.Distance and Speed—set tonautical, statute, or metric.Temperature—set to Fahrenheit orCelsius.Direction Display—set to NumericDegrees, Cardinal Letters, or Mils.This setting is used in all fields thatrelate to direction.Speed Filter—set to Auto or Userdefined setting. If User is selected,a Seconds field appears. To enter auser-defined setting, highlight theSeconds field, and press ENTER.When finished, press ENTER tosave. When using a user-definedsetting, the GPS 72H averagesthe speed and heading at the ratespecified in the time setting. Tochange the time setting, go to page25.Location TabThe Location tab contains thesettings for Location Format, MapDatum, North Reference, andMagnetic Variation. The settings areused in fields throughout the device.Location Tab PageLocation Format—allows you tochoose from 29 different formats.Map Datum—describes geographicpositions for surveying, mapping,and navigation, but are not actualmaps in the GPS 72H. There are over