GPS 72H Owner’s ManualMarine NavigationMarine NavigationThe GPS 72H can be used for marinenavigation, as either a handheld or amounted device.Mounting the GPS 72HA marine mount may be includedwith your device, or it is available asan optional accessory.Hardware Needed forInstallationDrillScrewdriver (Phillips or flat)Three #8 machine bolts withmatching nuts and washers anda 5/32 in. (4 mm) drill bit, or three#8 self-tapping screws and a 1/16in. (1.5 mm) drill bit.•••NOTE: Your choice of fastenerhardware depends on the mountingsurface material.CradleSwvel baseBal mountknobBal mountInstalling the Mount in aFixed PositionSelect a location that providesoptimal viewing and allows easyaccess to the keypad. Select amounting surface strong enough tosupport the weight of the device andprotect it from excessive vibrationor shock.NOTICE: Do not place the mountin a location where the device isexposed to extreme temperatureconditions.