22 GPS 72H Owner’s ManualSettingsentered letters. You can continue toenter the name, or press ENTER toscroll through the list.Delete Waypoint—deletes theselected waypoint.Delete By Symbol—deletes allwaypoints with the same symbol asthe selected waypoint.For more information on waypoints,see page 6.RoutesRoutes Page OptionsStart/Stop Navigation—starts orstops the navigation of a route.Copy Route—copies a selectedroute.Delete Route—removes the selectedroute.Delete All Routes—removes allroutes from the Routes page.For more information on Routes, seepage 11.ProximityProximity waypoints alert you whenapproaching a predetermined area.When you place a waypoint in theProximity List, you enter a Radiusthat determines when a ProximityAlarm appears. You can turn theProximity Alarm on or off.Proximity OptionsAdd Waypoint—displays the Pointsmenu. Select a point to insert into theProximity List. With the Radius fieldselected, press ENTER, and enter aradius for an alert to appear. You canalso add a waypoint by highlightingthe dashed entry line and pressingENTER.