GPS 72H Owner’s Manual 2SettingsInterface TabThe Interface tab contains two fields:Serial Data Format and USB.Interface Tab PageSerial Data Format—communication settings betweenthe GPS 72H and other electronicdevices.GARMIN—allows the GPS 72Hto communicate with GARMINsoftware and other GARMINGPS devices.GARMIN DGPS—allows theGPS 72H to communicate withGARMIN Differential Correctiondevices. The GPS 72H can have••the beacon receiver scan for anavailable DGPS beacon or cantune the beacon receiver to thefrequency and bit rate of a nearbyDGPS beacon.NMEA—allows the GPS 72Hto transmit NMEA 0183, version2.3 data. It also allows the GPS72H to accept NMEA data fromanother NMEA device, suchas an echo sounder. The baud(speed of communication in bitsper second) appears in the Baudfield. For NMEA connectioninformation, see page 38.Text Out—allows the GPS 72Hto output simple text data.RTCM In—allows the GPS 72Hto accept DGPS information froma device supplying RTCM data inan SC-104 format.•••