GPS 72H Owner’s Manual Getting StartedButtonsQUIT—press to return to theprevious page and cycle through themain pages in reverse order.Power—press and hold to turn thedevice on or off. Press and release toadjust the backlight.GO TO/MOB—press to begin orstop navigation to a waypoint. Pressand hold (man overboard function) tostore the current location and beginnavigation to that point.ZOOM IN—press to zoom the mapin.ZOOM OUT—press to zoom themap out.PAGE—press to cycle through themain pages.MENU—press and release to viewthe menu for the current page. Presstwice to view the Main Menu.ENTER/MARK—press to selectan menu item, data field, or option.Press and hold to save your currentlocation.Rocker—rock up, down, right, andleft to move through page items.ZOOMOUTPAGEMENUENTER/MARKRockerQUITPowerGO TO/MOBZOOM IN