0 GPS 72H Owner’s ManualSettingsRTCM In/NMEA Out—allowsthe GPS 72H to communicatewith a NMEA 0183, version2.3 sentences, GPRMC,GPGGA, GPGSA, GPGSV,GPGLL, GPBOD, GPRTE, andGPWPL. For NMEA connectioninformation, see page 38.RTCM In/Text Out—allowsthe GPS 72H to output simpletext data that includes date,time, position, and velocityinformation.None—turns off all serialcommunication.USB—displays connectivity ofthe device to a computer. For moreinformation, see page 40.•••Data Field OptionsThe following table lists all ofthe GPS 72H data fields anddescriptions.Data Field DescriptionAccuracy The accuracy ofthe GPS signal.Bearing The directionfrom your currentlocation to adestination.Course The directionfrom yourstarting locationto a destination.Depth The depth of thewater. Requiresa NMEA0183 deviceconnection toacquire data.