GPS 72H Owner’s Manual Using the GPS 72HUsing GO TOPress GO TO at any time to quicklyfind a waypoint.1. Press GO TO.2. Select Waypoint.3. Select the desired waypoint.Man OverboardIn the event of a person falling offyour boat, press and hold MOB tostore your current location. SelectYes to begin navigating to that point.For more information on Marinenavigation, see pages 34–39.Using TracksThe tracks feature creates anelectronic bread-crumb trail, or“track log,” on the Map page asyou travel. The track log containsinformation about points along itspath.The track log starts recording as soonas the GPS 72H acquires satellitesignals. The percentage of memoryused by the current track log appearsat the top of the Tracks page.To clear the track log:1. Press MENU twice to open theMain Menu.2. Select Tracks.3. Select Clear > Yes.