2 GPS 72H Owner’s ManualSettingsAlarms TabThe Alarms tab contains settingsfor Anchor Drag, Approach andArrival, Off Course, Shallow Water,and Deep Water. These settingsdetermine if a warning beep sounds,and if an alarm message appears.Alarms Tab PageAnchor Drag—alerts you when theboat has drifted more than the setdistance.Approach and Arrival—alerts youwhen you are approaching a turn orarriving at your destination.Automatic—alerts youbetween 15 and 90 secondsbefore reaching the destination,depending on your speed.Distance and Time—alerts youat the specified distance or time.Off Course—alerts you when youare off course more than the setdistance.Shallow Water—requires input froma NMEA device supplying the DPTsentence. The Shallow Water alarmalerts you when the water depth isless than the set depth. For NMEAconnection information, see page 38.Deep Water—requires input froma NMEA device supplying the DPTsentence. The Deep Water Alarmalerts you when the water is deeperthan the set depth. For NMEAconnection information, see page 38.••