18Track MethodThe track ‘method’ option determines how oftenpositions are stored in the track log. The default settingis ‘auto’, which records track points based upon a setvariance from your projected course over ground. Thissetting provides the most efficient use of track memoryand the best TracBack performance.To record points based on a specific time interval:1. Highlight the ‘METHOD’ field, and pressENTER.2. Select ‘TIME INTERVAL’, and pressENTER twice.3. Enter hours, minutes, and seconds, pressENTER.Managing and Clearing the Track LogThe rest of the track setup window displays the per-centage of available memory currently used to store tracklog data, as well as a function field to clear the track logmemory.To clear the track log:1. Highlight ‘CLEAR LOG?’, and pressENTER.2. Highlight ‘Yes?’, and pressENTER.Note: It’s a good idea to clear the track log at thebeginning of the trail, etc., in order to make the best useof the TracBack feature (see pg. 8).REFERENCETrack Method& Clearing theTrack LogChanging the Track MethodChanging the Track MethodChanging the Track MethodChanging the Track MethodChanging the Track MethodorororClearing the Track LogClearing the Track LogClearing the Track LogClearing the Track LogClearing the Track Log