5Quick Start TourThe Quick Start Tour will teach you the basic op-eration of your GPS 12CX. This tour assumes that noneof the factory settings (units of measure, selectable fields)have been changed. If the settings have been changedthe pictures and descriptions you see in the manual maynot match what you see on the screen.Turning on the GPS 12CX1. Press thePOWER key, hold until the unit turns on.The welcome page and database info pages will ap-pear while the unit conducts a self test. Once testing iscomplete, the Satellite Page will appear. When suffi-cient satellite signals have been acquired, the SatellitePage will be replaced by the Position Page.Adjusting the ContrastIt may be necessary to adjust the display contrast invarying light conditions. The contrast adjustment canbe accessed from any of the five main pages by pressingthePOWER key briefly. After the contrast adjustmentpage appears, pressing theROCKER left or right willeither decrease or increase the display’s contrast.Marking a PositionGPS is really about marking and going to placescalled waypoints. Before we can use our GPS 12CX toguide us somewhere, we have to mark a position as awaypoint. (Your GPS 12CX can hold up to 1000 way-points.)To mark your present position:1. Press theMARK key. The mark position page willappear, with a default three-digit name for the newwaypoint in the upper-left portion of the page.To rename the waypoint:1. Highlight the name field, and pressENTER.2. Enter the waypoint name ‘HOME’, and pressENTER. (See pg. 2 for data entry.) The waypointsymbol field will become highlighted.To change the waypoint symbol:1. Highlight the waypoint symbol field, pressENTER.2. Select the house symbol, and pressENTER.3. Select the desired color and pressENTER.4. Move the cursor to ‘DONE?’, pressENTER.Press the POWER key briefly toactivate the contrast adjustmentwindow. Pressing theROCKERleft or right will decrease or in-crease the screen contrast.QUICK STARTPower On &Marking aPositionTo Mark Your Present PositionTo Mark Your Present PositionTo Mark Your Present PositionTo Mark Your Present PositionTo Mark Your Present PositionRenaming a WaypointRenaming a WaypointRenaming a WaypointRenaming a WaypointRenaming a WaypointChanging Waypoint SymbolChanging Waypoint SymbolChanging Waypoint SymbolChanging Waypoint SymbolChanging Waypoint Symbol