37Distance and Sun Calcula-tions PageOperating ModesSystem Setup SubmenuREFERENCEMain Menu—Distance/Sun &Setup MenusDistance and Sun CalculationsThe distance and sun calculation page will give youthe distance and bearing between any two waypoints orbetween your present position and a waypoint. It willalso calculate the sunrise and sunset (in local time) for aparticular date ant either your present position or anystored waypoint.To perform a distance and sun calculation:1. Highlight the ‘FROM ’ field and pressENTER.2. Enter the desired waypoint and pressENTER.3. Highlight the ‘TO’ Field and pressENTER.4. Enter the desired waypoint and pressENTER.5. The ‘DATE’ field will become highlighted. Enter thedate that you will arrive at the destination and pressENTER.If you leave the ‘TO’ field blank, the sunrise and sun-set at your present location will be shown.System SetupThe system setup page is used to select the operatingmode, time offset, and screen preferences. The GPS 12CXhas three operation modes:• Normal Mode—operates the unit at maximumperfomance, and provides battery life of up to 24hours on alkaline batteries.• Power Save Mode—allows the receiver to operate inan energy efficient manner and provides battery lifeof up to 36 hours on alkaline batteries.• Simulator Mode—allows you to operate the unit withoutacquiring satellites, and is ideal for practicing or enter-ing waypoints and routes while at home.To select an operating mode:1. Highlight the ‘MODE’ field and pressENTER.2. Select the desired mode and pressENTER.Date and Time SetupThe date and time is located directly below themode field.Date and Time information is derived fromthe GPS satellites and cannot be changedby the userBecause the time shown is UTC time (Greenwichmean time), you will need to enter a time offset to dis-play the correct local time for your area. To determinethe time offset for your area, note your position and referto the chart in Appendix C.