29Cancelling an active GOTOMan Overboard FunctionActivating a Direct GOTOSelecting a GOTO DestinationThe GPS 12CX provides four ways to navigate to adestination: GOTO, MOB, TracBack, and Route naviga-tion. The most basic method of selecting a destination isthe GOTO function, which lets you choose any storedwaypoint as the destination and quickly sets a directcourse from your present position.To activate the GOTO function:1. Press theGOTO key.2. Select the waypoint that you want to navigate to andpressENTER.Once a GOTO waypoint has been activated, the Com-pass Page or Highway Page will provide steering guid-ance to the destination until either the GOTO is can-celled or the unit has resumed navigating the active route.To cancel an active GOTO:1. Press theGOTO key.2. Highlight the “OPT” tab3. Highlight ‘CANCEL GOTO?’, and pressENTER.Man Overboard FunctionThe GPS 12CX’s man overboard function (MOB) letsyou simultaneously mark and set a course to a positionfor quick response to passing positions.To activate the MOB mode:1. PressGOTO twice. The GOTO waypoint page willappear with ‘MOB’ selected.2. PressENTER to begin MOB navigation.The GPS 12CX will now guide you to the MOB way-point until the MOB GOTO is cancelled. If you want tosave the MOB waypoint, be sure to rename it because itwill be overwritten the next time a MOB is activated.REFERENCEGOTO&MOB