25Waypoint Definition PageThe waypoint definition page lets you create newwaypoints manually or review and edit an existingwaypoint’s coordinates, symbols, and comments. It isalso used to delete an individual waypoint from memory(see pg. 26). To create a new waypoint manually, you’llneed to know its coordinates or its approximate distanceand bearing from an existing waypoint.To create a waypoint by entering coordinates:1. From the waypoint definition page, highlight ‘NEW?’,and pressENTER.2. Enter a waypoint name, and pressENTER.3. PressENTER to select a waypoint symbol, make yourselection, and pressENTER.4. Highlight the ‘DONE?’ prompt, and pressENTER toreturn to the waypoint page.5. Highlight the position field, and pressENTER. Inputyour position using theROCKER, and pressENTER.6. PressENTER to confirm the ‘DONE?’ prompt.REFERENCEMain Menu—WaypointDefinition PageWaypointNameReferenceWaypointBearingfromReferenceWaypointWaypointSymbolPositionCoordinatesDistancefromReferenceWaypointFunction PromptsThe GPS 12CX’s advanced way-point planning features allow youto create new waypoints and prac-tice navigation without ever settingfoot outside.If you create a new waypoint beentering coordinates from a map,you may want to re-mark thewaypoint’s exact position once youget there.To re-define an existing waypointsposition coordinates from the way-point definition page, simply high-light the DST field and press ENTER.Press the ROCKER to the Left to setthe distance to 0.00, then pressENTER to confirm.The previous coordinates will be re-placed by the coordinates of yourpresent position.