28Quickly edit or remove proximitywaypoints, by highlighting the way-point name and pressingENTER.The compass heading (BRG) anddistance (DST) to the nine nearestwaypoints are updated continu-ously.The Proximity Alarm will triggerwhen the distance to the waypointis smaller than the distance enteredin the ‘DST’ field.Nearest Waypoints PageThe nearest waypoints page shows the nine nearestwaypoints that are within 100 miles of your present posi-tion, with the bearing and distance noted for eachwaypoint. This page will also let you retrieve a waypointdefinition page or GOTO a selected waypoint right fromthe list.To review the definition page of a selected waypoint:1. Highlight the desired waypoint.2. PressENTER.To return to the nearest waypoint page:1. Highlight ‘DONE?’.2. PressENTER.To go to a highlighted list waypoint:1. Highlight the desired waypoint, and pressGOTO.2. PressENTER.Proximity Waypoint PageThe GPS 12CX’s proximity waypoint function warnsyou when you are getting too close to hazardous way-points. This function allows you to create up to nineproximity waypoints and designate an alarm circle foreach waypoint. If you enter this circle, a warning messagewill alert you.To enter a proximity waypoint from the Main Menu Page:1. Highlight ‘PROXIMITY WPTS’ and pressENTER.2. Highlight the first empty waypoint field and pressENTER.3. Use theROCKER to scroll through stored waypointsuntil the desired waypoint appears.4. PressENTER. The distance (DST) field will be auto-matically highlighted. PressENTER and enter the de-sired distance.5. Press theENTER key.To review or remove a proximity waypoint:1. Using theROCKER, select a proximity waypointand pressENTER.2. Highlight ‘REVIEW?’ or ‘REMOVE?’ and pressENTER.If ‘REVIEW?’ is chosen, the waypoint page will ap-pear, and you may make any changes to the selectedwaypoint. If ‘REMOVE?’ is chosen, the proximity way-point will be removed from the list. PressQUIT orPAGEto return to the Main Menu Page.REFERENCEMain Menu—Nearest &ProximityWaypoint Pages