39User Grid PageMap Datum FieldPosition Format FieldNavigation Setup SubmenuP a g eREFERENCEMain Menu—Navigation SetupSubmenuNavigation SetupThe navigation setup submenu page is used to selectthe Position Format, Map Datum, CDI Scale, Units ofMeasurement, and Heading information.Position FormatsThe default position format for the GPS 12 CX islatitude and longitude in degrees and minutes (hdddºmm.mmm’). You may also select degrees, minutes andseconds (hdddºmm’ss.s’’); degrees only (hddd.dddddº);UTM/UPS; MGRS; Maidenhead; User-defined Grid; orregional British, German, Irish, Indo So LCO, Indian,New Zeland, Swedish, Swiss, Taiwan and West MalayanGrids.To select a position format:1. Highlight the ‘POSITION FRMT’ field, and pressENTER.2. Select the desired setting, and pressENTER.User Grid Position FormatThe ‘User Grid’ option lets you create a user-definedposition format by establishing factors such as longitudeof origin, scale, and false Easting or Northing.To define a user grid:1. Select ‘User Grid’, and pressENTER.2. Enter values for longitude origin, scale, and falseEasting and Northing, and pressENTER.3. Highlight ‘SAVE?’, and pressENTER.Map DatumsThe ‘MAP DATUM’ field comes with a ‘WGS 84’ de-fault setting. Although over 100 map datums are avail-able for use (see Appendix D for map datums), you shouldonly change the datum if you are using maps or chartsthat specify a different datum than WGS 84. If no datumis specified, you may select each datum applicable toyour region until you find the datum that provides thebest positioning at a known point.To select a map datum:1. Highlight the ‘MAP DATUM’ field, and pressENTER.2. Select the desired setting, and pressENTER.Warning: Selecting the wrong map datum can resultin substantial position errors. When in doubt, use thedefault WGS 84 datum for best overall performance.