Trouble Shooting Information for C7000VP seriesPage 19 Rev. 2.02010/09/171.18 E590-8003 DescriptionThe punch motor brake control varies depending on the type of connected punch unit. If thedipswitch setting does not match the punch unit connected, the error code ‘E590-8003’appears.- E590-8003 can be displayed when a punch motor brake error occurs. Field Remedy1. Check the type of connected punch unit.2. If the connected punch unit is Punch Unit-V1, turn on Bit2 of DIP SW 381 on the optionalswitch PCB on the finisher.Reference:Regarding other punch units set the appropriate Bit(s) of DIP SW381 as follows: Punch Unit-U1 (2-hole): turn Bit1 ON Punch Unit-V1 (2/3-hole): turn Bit2 ON Punch Unit-W1 (4-hole: FRANCE): turn Bit 1 and 2 ON Punch Unit-X1 (4-hole: SWEDEN): turn Bit3 ON1.19 E747-051B DescriptionSince the S-B PCB was faulty, the error code ‘E747-051B’ was indicated when copies orprintouts were output after this machine had started up. When the same symptom occurs, gothrough the following steps in sequence.- E747-051B can be displayed when an error occurs in the main controller PCB (MAIN-M). Field Remedy1. Turn the main power switch OFF and then ON.2. If the symptom still occurs, turn the main power switch OFF and clean the terminals of thefollowing boards, which are piggybacked on the main controller PCB, with lint-free papermoistened with alcohol; then re-fit the boards. RO-B PCB O-B PCB (when an EFI controller is connected) or GU-Short PCB (when an EFIcontroller is not connected) S-B PCB ZJ-A PCB (piggybacked on the S-B PCB) LAN-BAR-B PCB RB-A PCB (w/REOS function, included in the PDL option)1. If the symptom still occurs, replace the S-B PCB with a new one.2. If the symptom still occurs, replace the main controller PCB (MAIN-M) with a new one.3. If the symptom still occurs, replace all the boards listed in Step 2 except the S-B PCBby new ones.FM2-7813 Main Controller PCB Assembly, MFM2-9076 S-B PCB Assembly