Changing the MachineSettingsThis section describes the setting items in the FAX SETTINGS menu and the DEVICESETTINGS menu.FAX SETTINGSThis section describes the setting items in the FAX SETTINGS menu.Before changing any settings, you can print the User's data list to check the current settings of themachine. For details, see Printing the User's Data List.RECEIVE MODE SETFAX PRIORITY MODESelects FAX PRIORITY MODE receive mode.FAX ONLY MODESelects FAX ONLY MODE receive mode.DRPDSelects DRPD receive mode. This setting is only available in US and Canada.NETWORK SWITCHSelects NETWORK SWITCH receive mode. This setting may not be available dependingon the country or region of purchase.TEL PRIORITY MODESelects TEL PRIORITY MODE receive mode.MEMORY REFERENCEPRINT MEMORY LISTLists the documents currently stored in the machine's memory.PRINT DOCUMENTPrints the specified document stored in the machine's memory.138