If you detect smoke, unusual smells or strangenoises around the machine, immediatelyunplug the machine at the power supply andcall for service.Periodically,unplug themachine and usea dry cloth to wipeoff any dust or dirtcollected on theplug and the power outlet. If the machine isplaced at a location exposed to a lot of dust,smoke, or high humidity, the dust collected onthe plug absorbs moisture and may causeinsulation failure and fire.If you hear thunder, disconnect the powersupply of the machine and refrain from usingit. Leaving the machine plugged in may causefire, electric shock, or damage to the machine,depending on the thunder storm.Use the power cable included with themachine.Cleaning themachineUse a damp clothto clean themachine. Neveruse flammablesolvents such asalcohol, benzeneor thinners.If flammable solvents come in contact withelectrical components inside the machine, itcould cause a fire or electric shock.Always unplug the machine from the poweroutlet before cleaning the machine.If you accidentally switch the machine onwhile cleaning it, you could injure yourself ordamage the machine.10