For saving energy and money, a sleep mode thatpowers down a machine when nobody is using it hasbecome an essential feature. This machine will entersleep mode automatically, and can also be put tosleep whenever you want. Press once to put themachine to sleep. Press it again to instantly wake themachine back into action.Entering Sleep Mode(P. 159)Assume you need paper to fax? Those old paper printoutsyou always make are a thing of the past. Send documentsby fax just as they are, created on your computer. It'spaperless, so it's fast. And, received documents are firststored in memory, allowing you to print out only thoseneeded and eliminating worry about paper getting used ondirect mailings, etc.Sending Faxes from Your Computer (PC Fax)(P. 218)Saving Received Documents into the Machine(Memory Reception)(P. 212)Appendix525