5-11Printing a Document5Specifying the Printing PreferencesDisplaying the [Document Properties] Dialog Box from the [Printersand Faxes] Folder or the [Printers] Folder1 Display the [Printers and Faxes] folder or the [Printers] folder.For Windows 2000: From the [Start] menu, select [Settings] ➞ [Printers].For Windows XP Professional/Server 2003: From the [Start] menu, select [Printersand Faxes].For Windows XP Home Edition: From the [Start] menu, select [Control Panel], andthen click [Printers and Other Hardware] ➞ [Printers and Faxes].2 Select the icon for this printer, then select [PrintingPreferences] from the [File] menu.The [Document Properties] dialog box is displayed.