Chapter 6 Using the Operator Panel 89Selecting a Print ModeYour printer incorporates several print modes that allow you to select printquality, density of ink, and paper type. The control panel enables you toselect three of these print modes: HQ, Economy, and Fine.If you are using Windows, the BJC-70 printer driver automatically adjuststhe print mode. If you are not using Windows, you may need to set theprint mode for your MS-DOS applications.The print modes are:o HQ mode—Set the printer for High Quality mode when you want toproduce the best possible printed output. This mode is the default.o Eco mode—Economy mode uses the smallest amount of ink possiblewhile printing. This mode uses half the amount of ink used in HQmode. Economy mode is useful for draft printing.o Fine mode—Set the printer for Fine mode when printing ontransparency film, when printing grayscale images, or for printing clearand distinct color images. This mode is also useful for printing cleargraphics that include high density areas, such as solid bars in bargraphs.To set the print mode, follow these steps:1. Press the MENU button once.o The printer beeps once when it enters Menu mode.o The display shows all three print modes with HQ blinking:2. Press the button to select a print mode. The HQ, Eco, or Fineindicator starts to blink.Using theOperator Panel