78 Using the Color Advisor Chapter 5Coloring a DocumentYou add color to a document with the colors displayed in the Paint Box intwo ways:o You can select a document type and specify objectives, which allowsthe Color Advisor to automatically color text and objects based on thedocument style and objectives.o You can manually color text and graphics in the document byhighlighting areas and assigning colors.As you move your mouse over your document, areas of text or objects arehighlighted by a rectangle. A single mouse click colors highlighted text orgraphical objects with the currently selected color in the Paint Box. Forgraphical objects, such as a rectangular box, the Color Advisor keeps thebrush pattern used in the original document provided a non-null brushwas used.If you click on the same highlighted object a second time without movingthe mouse, the Color Advisor colors the object’s outline and removes thecolor from the object itself.When text and objects are stacked on top of each other, the Color Advisorscrolls through the objects each time you click the mouse. Successive clickscolor and uncolor objects from front to back, or from top to bottom. Afterthe bottom object is colored, the next click colors the top object anduncolors the bottom object. For example, consider the following text andobject:o The first mouse click colors the text.o The second click colors the filled area of the rectangle.o The third click colors the outline of the rectangle.o The fourth click colors the text again.TEXT ON TOP OF A FILLED RECTANGLE