184 Application Notes Appendix B10. WordPerfect displays the message:Preparing Document for Printing11. WordPerfect displays a warning; ignore this warning.WordPerfect will now print your envelope.You need not change the Page Layout or any other settings to accommodateenvelopes.WordPerfect 5.2If you are using WordPerfect, version 5.2, follow these steps to printenvelopes.First time printing envelopesIf you are printing envelopes for the first time, follow these steps:1. Choose the Envelope Macro from the Main Screen. If the macro is notdisplayed, go to View and then to the Button Bar Setup. SelectFEATURES.WWB and follow the steps for displaying the macro.2. The first time you choose the Envelope Macro using either theWordPerfect driver or the Windows driver, a prompt tells you that thispaper size does not exist and asks if you want to add it.3. Choose Add.4. Select Portrait orientation and Continuous paper feed. You see theEnvelope Editor screen.5. Fill in the appropriate mailing address.6. Make sure the box for Print Envelopes is checked and the SelectEnvelope Size is 9.5 x 4.12 inches.7. You can also include a Return Address, change the margin settings,and/or change the font with which the envelope is printed. ForWindows, the default font is a Windows font. You may want to select aTrueType font or another printer font.8. After selecting all your options, choose OK. If you are using theWindows driver, you see this message:Windows printer driver did not accept the requestedpaper size. Document will print on paper size theprinter did select.9. Choose OK to print the envelope. If you are using the WordPerfectdriver, no message appears and the printer prints the envelope.