CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 87TALKBACK AND EXTERNAL TONEAll Calrec consoles have acomprehensive talkback system toallow operators to talk over outputbuses and channel direct outputs /mix-minus outputs.An XLR on the upstand reset panelprovides a convenient location to mountthe supplied gooseneck microphone.This is wired internally to an XLR on theconsole rear interface. To use this as partof the console's talkback system it shouldbe connected to a Hydra2 mic input. Ifthe console talkback system is not goingto be used, the mic can be wired into anexternal comms system if it is convenient,i.e. for use as a hot-mic or in conjunctionwith a foot switch, or an assignablemonitor panel button patched to GPO.The Hydra2 input port with the micconnected should be patched to thetalkback input from the >SystemSettings > Fixed I/O screen - SelectDestinations>My Desk Inputs>Tone & TB.The top entry in this list is the Talkbackmic input.The same screen allows for patching ofreverse talkback and external tone inputs.Audio from Hydra2 inputs patched asreverse talkback is sent to the PFL/RTBLS outputs. Ports patched as externaltone inputs replace the consoles internaltone generator when the oscillatorcontrols from panel tools mode are set toexternal.Ports are patched in the same way asnormal I/O - View the appropriate portlist using the select source button, thenselect the required source on the leftby highlighting the blue cell. Selectthe destination on the right, again byselecting the blue cell, and then clickpatch from the central area. Additionalfields on the right allow the switching ofSRC, phantom power and analogue inputgain, dependent on the type of input portpatched.FIGURE 1 - MAIN APPLICATION - SYSTEM SETTINGS > FIXED I/O