10 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production Console Control SurfaceSURFACE DIMENSIONS AND ASSEMBLYThe Apollo control surface can becustomised in terms of width andfader count and can be provided withvarious stand and trim options.Desk-topmountingThe control surface can be suppliedwithout a floor stand to allow for desktopmounting, or for mounting into a customstand or control room furniture. Figure 1shows the end elevation with no standfitted.FloorstandoptionsThe standard height stand sits the surfaceof the fader panels at a height of 740mm[29.13'] above the floor. A reduced heightstand is also available, positioning thesurface of the fader panels at 700mm[27.56'], the overall height being reducedby 40mm [1.57']. Both versions of thestand have inline fixing holes to allowthe stand to be secured to the floorwithout affecting the footprint, typicallywhen being used in mobile or 'OutsideBroadcast' units. The standard heightstand fixing holes are 10mm in diameter.The reduced height fixing holes are8.5mm, designed to be used with M10tapping screws, or alternatively adjustablefeet can be added here to bring the faderheight up to 720mm [28.35']FIGURE 1 - END ELEVATION, NO FLOOR STAND FITTEDFIGURE 2 - END ELEVATION, STANDARD HEIGHT FLOOR STAND FITTED