CALREC Putting Sound in the Picture 107FACILITIES PANEL RT5707CANCELREH ONAIRDARKAPFLRESETRESETRESETUSBFAIL WARNINGDSP SURFACECONTROLTB MICCANCEL APFLENABLERESET CTRL SYSUSBEXTN/CTBMICEach control surface requires that aBroadcast Facilities panel is fitted inthe upstand.This panel is 55mm [2.17'] wide and assuch is ideally fitted alongside a 3rd partysurround meter, or twin/quad moving coilVU meters to take up the same width as astandard panel.The Broadcast Facilities panel providesthe following:ResetsThree reset buttons along with an enablebutton are located at the bottom of thispanel. As a safety precaution, to activatea reset, the enable button must also bepressed as well as the desired resetbutton. The resets are split into threeareas -• 'DSP' resets the audio signalprocessing cards in the processingcore.• 'Control' resets the Master Controlprocessors in the processing core.• 'Surface' resets the control surfacepanels.TalkbackmicA female XLR is provided to connectthe supplied goose-neck microphone.This connects directly to an XLR on therear interface panel (no gain or power isapplied in the console). The microphonecan be connected into an externaltalkback system, or the console's owntalkback system via a Hydra2 input.Please refer to the console configurationsection for details on console talkbacksetup.USBportThe USB port on this panel connectsdirectly to a USB port on the consolePC, providing convenient access forfile transfer, such as memory backups.The spare USB-Ethernet adaptor can alsobe connected to this USB port to providea temporary second network connectionto the PC if the rear interface panel is notas convenient to access.Facilitiesbuttons/indicatorsA large red button in the centre of thepanel illuminates to indicate when theselected monitoring source is overruled byan AFL or PFL. Pressing this button willcancel any selected AFL or PFL, returningthe monitor to its selected source.The 'Dark' button, when pressed turnsoff all displays on the control surface andilluminates to indicate the console is indark mode.A System Status warning indicator flashesto alert the user of any console errors,pressing this button acknowledges theerrors and stops it flashing.The on-air and rehearse buttons can beused to set the mode of the desk anddisable functions such as tone.ConnectionsPower and data is fed via an RJ45labelled CTRL SYS, connected from aPOE switch panel port.An RJ45 labelled RESET connects toa POE switch RST port (which is thendaisy-chained through the rest of the POEswitches)The front panel USB port connects insidethe panel to one of the ones on the rearwhich is in turn connected to a USB porton the system PC. The other USB on therear of this panel is unused.The front panel XLR connects inside thepanel to the XLR on the rear which is inturn connected inside the console chassisto an XLR on the rear interface panel.REAR CONNECTORSRT5707 - FACILITIES PANEL