74 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production Console Setup and ConfigurationThissectioncoversareasoftenrequiredbyinstallationengineerstocarryouttheinitialsetupandconfigurationthatisrequiredtotesttheinstallationandprovideastartingtemplateforoperatorstoworkwith.Please refer to the console operatormanual and the H20 user guide for morecomprehensive information on userfunctionality.The console PC should boot from poweron, the default Windows user is 'calrec'and requires no password. Once loggedin, the Calrec Main Application shouldstart up. If the Main Application is closed,it can be restarted from the WindowsStart menu. Once open, the main pagescan be selected by clicking on their iconsacross the bottom of the GUI. Most pageshave sub-pages which can be accessedby the menu buttons at the left hand sideof each main page. Some settings withinthe Main Application are protected and tomake changes the user must be loggedin as a Technician. Technician access isgained from the Tech page by clickingon Technician. If no users have beensetup, the system allows the creation of asupervisor login. Supervisors are able tocreate and delete other technician userlogins.H20 - Hydra2 Organiser is anadministrator level GUI that providescontrol over the whole network. H20can be accessed via a web browserrunning on a PC connected to the MasterRouter. This can be a console PC (if themaster router core has a console directlyattached to it), or a PC connected directlyto a spare RJ45 on the front of the activeControl processor card in the MasterRouter core. H20 is fully supported byGoogle Chrome which is pre-installed onCalrec supplied PC's with a bookmarkOVERVIEW AND GUI ACCESSto the H20 address (IP address of theControl processor)Once open, H20 screens are accessedusing the menu across the top of the GUIwindow.Some features, such as accessing theCalrec program updater and admin levelWindows settings require the user to loginto Windows as an administrator. Theuser CalrecAdmin is setup up with thepassword calrec.