106 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production Console Panel OptionsLOUDSPEAKER PANEL - LS6053The LS6053 provides the samefunctionality as the LS5930, withthe addition of a level control for anexternal analogue audio path.The level control is a dual gangpotentiometer, allowing for a balancedanalogue mono audio feed to be passedthrough it. Typically, this would be usedto control the audio level to an ancillarycontrol room loudspeaker, such as a'hot-mic' or communications output, thatdoes not have its' own level control, or isnot within the physical reach of the audiooperator.Like the LS5957, the LS6053 will fit ineither row of the Apollo control bed.Please refer to the LS5930 informationfor details on the standard functionalityand connectivity of this panel.AdditionallevelcontrolconnectionThe analogue audio feed to be passedvia the central level control should beconnected to the female D9 connectoron the rear of the control panel itself.Cabling should be routed via the surfacecable entry point by the rear connectorinterface panel.Connection PinInput + 1Input - 6Output + 3Output - 9Ground 2 / 4 / 7 / 8CUTCUTCUTCUTEXT LS• Cable requires MALE D9terminationLS6053 - LOUDSPEAKER PANEL