68 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production Console External ControlRS232/422 CONVERSIONRemote control connections to CalrecApollo, Artemis and Hydra2 systemsare made via TCP/IP. 3rd partycontrollers that use point to pointtrue RS232/422 serial will requireconvertors to connect to the Calrecsystem.Various options are available for serial toTCP/IP conversion, Calrec recommendthe use of, and can supply dual PSUPerle IOLAN SCS8's. Calrec chose thisunit specifically for its dual power supplyoption, its 1U rack mount enclosure, andits flexible data routing options.Fitted with 8 x RS232 serial ports and 2 xEthernet ports. Data can be routed from asingle serial port controller to both primaryand secondary Calrec connections.Controllers with a backup port, or systemswith backup controllers can route thenormally active port to the Calrec primarycard, and the backup to the secondary.For 3rd party controllers that operate onRS422, Calrec can also supply in-lineRS232-422 cable convertors (Calrecstock code 312-269) to use in conjunctionwith the Perle SCS8.The Perle unit needs to be configured toconnect to the Calrec Hydra2 network'sMaster Router card/s (SW-P-08 /EMBER) or each console's Controllercard/s (CSCP) by their IP addresses.In cases where the default Calrec cardIP addresses are not suitable, as canbe the case if data is being passed overa shared Ethernet infrastructure, theCalrec hardware can be configured to beaccessed by alternative IP addresses.FIGURE 1 - PERLE IOLAN SCS8 - FRONTFIGURE 2 - PERLE IOLAN SCS8 - REAR8 x RJ45 RS232 serial ports 2 x RJ45 Ethernet portsRJ45 RS232 Console portFIGURE 3 - CONNECTIVITY EXAMPLESPerle RJ45 pins Signal (Perle I/O) Standard D9 pins1 DCD (in) 12 RTS (out) 73 DSR (in) 64 TxD (out) 35 RxD (in) 26 Gnd 57 CTS (in) 88 DTR (out) 4FIGURE 4 - PERLE RS232 SERIAL RJ45 PIN-OUT