66 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production Console External ControlWirelessRouterConfigurationWhen the basic ‘Assist’ configuration hasbeen enabled the console provides CSCPconnections on the 192.168.1/24 subnetso the wireless router LAN connectionmust be configured to be part of thissubnet. We advise that the wireless routeris configured with a LAN IP address of192.168.1.3 and an IP subnet mask of255.255.255.0DHCPConfigurationTo connect hand held wireless devices,such as the iPad, the wireless routershould be configured to provide a DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)server to distribute IP addresses to thesehand-held devices.The wireless router should be configuredas a DHCPserver: The IPStartaddress or IPPooladdress should beconfigured to be and theIP or DHCPpoolsize should be set to4.This allows up to four wireless devicesto be connected to the consolesimultaneously. They will be allocated IPaddresses in the range: to192.168.1.103.DNS (Domain Name System) parametersare not required for this setup.OtherConfigurationParametersWireless routers provide many differentservices and it is not possible to coverall setup permutations in this document.Some common considerations are:• Firewalls should be disabled if possible.If not then the firewall should beconfigured to enable TCP/IP traffic inboth directions on port 49300.• NAT (Network Address Translation)should be avoided.• Packet filtering and MAC addressfiltering should be avoided.FIGURE 3 - WIRELESS ROUTER TO CONTROL PROCESSOR CONNECTIONFIGURE 2 - IPAD, CONSOLE AND WIRELESS ROUTER CONNECTIONS