12 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production Console Control SurfaceTotal surface width (including 50mm trim)Internal leg measurementExternal leg measurementSurfacesizesSurface sizes are stated in the numberof faders they can contain. A number ofchassis sections are fitted together toprovide a control surface of a suitablewidth to contain the number of fadersrequired, or to fit the physical spaceavailable. Often chassis' are ordered tobe larger than is required at the time toallow for a future increase in the quantityof faders.Chassis sections come in a variety ofwidths and are defined by the numberof control panels that they can containacross their width. Chassis sectionscurrently available are '2', '2.5', '3' & '3+'.Each section contains two rows of panelsin the control bed. A standard Apollolayout consists of a number of faderpanels and a dedicated monitor panelfitted in the bottom row, and a number ofassignable panels along with a joystickpanel in the upper row. Both controlbed panel rows are the same height andpanels can be fitted in either. Standardpanels are 250mm [9.84'] wide, theseinclude the assignable panels and faderpanels. The dedicated monitor andjoystick panels are 130mm [5.12'] wideand loosely termed as 'half-width'.Therefore, for example, a 2.5 sectionwould generally be fitted with 2 faderpanels and a 'half-width' monitor panel inthe bottom row, and 2 assign panels anda 'half-width' joystick panel in the upperrow. A 3+ section allows for a joystickand monitor panel to be fitted in the samerow as each other alongside 2 standardpanels. 3 standard panels can be fittedin the other row which would then also befitted with a 10mm blank panel to fill theremaining space.FIGURE 5 - INTERNAL / EXTERNAL LEG MEASUREMENTSFIGURE 6 - OVERALL SURFACE WIDTH