102 APOLLO Digital Broadcast Production Console Panel OptionsDK MSD600 ++ METER - MU5799The MU5799 console up-stand panelis fitted with a DK Audio MSD600++surround meter, providing a visualsurround field representation alongwith comprehensive surround phasemonitoring and other features such asloudness metering.The MSD600++ has 4 I/O slots that canbe fitted with various formats of card:• AES & Analogue - Each card has 1x digital stereo input and a pair ofanalogue inputs. Fully populating themeter with this card type provides 4stereo digital and 8 analogue inputs.• AES only - Each card having 4 stereodigital inputs.• Analogue only - Each card having 8analogue inputs.DK's digital inputs are available eitheras AES3id unbalanced 75 Ohm on BNCconnectors, or AES3 balanced 110 Ohmson D-type connectors.Card types required should be specified atthe time of order as it affects the internalwiring and rear interface plate layout ofthe console. Multiple RTW meters canbe fitted in the same control surface ifrequired.This meter does not access Calrec meterdata, it requires dedicated audio feeds.If it is to be fed directly from consoleoutputs, these should be provisioned for inthe quantity of Hydra2 output ports beingordered.Being 195mm [7.68'] wide, this panel isoften located next to the RT5707 reset/ facilities panel, the two panels having acombined width of 250mm [9.84'] - thesame as standard panels such as faders,assignable's and up-stand TFT panels.ConnectionsAnalogue inputs are on a 25 pin femaleD-Type, AES I/O is either on a 25 pinfemale D-Type if balanced, or on BNC'sif unbalanced, depending on the typeordered. See the Surface Rear ConnectorInterface Pin-Outs section for wiringdetail.The DK meter is powered from a singleDK PSU located within the control surfaceand fed from the ancillary AC mains inputon the rear connector interface.MU5799 - EXAMPLE OF DK MSD600++ METER