Black plate (36,1)Cadillac ATS (Europe) - 2013 - crc - 10/8/1210-36 Vehicle CareWARNING (Continued). Worn or old tyres cancause a crash. If the treadis badly worn,replace them.. Replace any tyres thathave been damaged byimpacts with potholes,curbs, etc.. Improperly repaired tyrescan cause a crash. Onlythe dealer or anauthorised tyre servicecentre should repair,replace, dismount, andmount the tyres.. Do not spin the tyres inexcess of 56 km/h(35 mph) on slipperysurfaces such as snow,mud, ice, etc. Excessivespinning may cause thetyres to explode.See Tyre Pressure forHigh-Speed Operation onpage 10‑39 for inflation pressureadjustment for high-speeddriving.All-Season TyresThis vehicle may come withall-season tyres. These tyres aredesigned to provide good overallperformance on most road surfacesand weather conditions. Originalequipment tyres designed to GM'sspecific tyre performance criteriahave a TPC specification codemoulded onto the sidewall. Originalequipment all-season tyres can beidentified by the last two charactersof this TPC code, which willbe “MS.”Consider installing winter tyres onthe vehicle if frequent driving onsnow or ice-covered roads isexpected. All-season tyres provideadequate performance for mostwinter driving conditions, but theymay not offer the same level oftraction or performance as wintertyres on snow or ice-covered roads.See Winter Tyres on page 10‑36.Winter TyresThis vehicle was not, originally,equipped with winter tyres. Wintertyres are designed for increasedtraction on snow and ice-coveredroads. Consider installing wintertyres on the vehicle if frequentdriving on snow or ice-coveredroads is expected. See your dealerfor details regarding winter tyreavailability and proper tyreselection. Also, see Buying NewTyres on page 10‑47.With winter tyres, there may bedecreased dry road traction,increased road noise and shortertread life. After changing to wintertyres, be alert for changes in thevehicle handling and braking.If using winter tyres:. Use tyres of the same brand andtread type on all four wheelpositions.