Black plate (18,1)Cadillac ATS (Europe) - 2013 - crc - 10/8/129-18 Driving and Operating2. If the engine does not start afterfive to 10 seconds, especially invery cold weather (below -18°Cor 0°F), it could be flooded withtoo much petrol. Try pushing theaccelerator pedal all the way tothe floor and holding it there asyou press the START button, forup to a maximum of 15 seconds.Wait at least 15 secondsbetween each try, to allow thecranking motor to cool down.When the engine starts, let go ofthe button and the accelerator.If the vehicle starts briefly butthen stops again, do the samething. This clears the extra petrolfrom the engine. Do not race theengine immediately after startingit. Operate the engine andtransmission gently until the oilwarms up and lubricates allmoving parts.Automatic Engine Start/StopVehicles with a manual transmissionmay have an automatic engine start/stop feature. After the engine isstarted and has reached operatingtemperature, the auto stop featuremay cause the engine to turn offwhen the transmission is placed inneutral, the clutch is released, andthe vehicle comes to a completestop. The engine may restart ifbrake boost pressure is depleted,the heating, ventilation and airconditioning system detects achange in the interior temperature,the battery state of charge is low,the bonnet is opened, or if batterycurrent draw is excessive. When theclutch is applied and thetransmission is placed in gear, theengine will restart. The engine willcontinue to run until the nextauto stop.If the driver door is opened while inauto stop mode, the engine willrestart, and exit the auto stop mode.AUTO STOP on the tachometersignifies that the engine is in autostop mode. See Rev Counter onpage 5‑10. When the vehicle isturned off, the tachometer will moveto OFF.Retained AccessoryPower (RAP)These accessories can be usedafter the engine is turned off:. Audio system (up to 10 minutesor driver door is opened).. Power windows, sunroof (ifequipped), and power outlets (upto 10 minutes or any door isopened).Shifting Into ParkUse this procedure to shift intoP (Park):1. Hold the brake pedal down andset the parking brake.See Parking Brake (Electric) onpage 9‑27 or Parking Brake(Manual) on page 9‑29.2. Move the shift lever into P (Park)by holding in the button on theshift lever and pushing the leverall the way toward the front ofthe vehicle.