Black plate (7,1)Cadillac ATS (Europe) - 2013 - crc - 10/8/12Driving and Operating 9-7. Check all fluid levels and brakes,tyres, cooling system, andtransmission.. Shift to a lower gear when goingdown steep or long hills.{ WARNINGIf you do not shift down, thebrakes could get so hot that theywould not work well. You wouldthen have poor braking or evennone going down a hill. You couldcrash. Shift down to let the engineassist the brakes on a steepdownhill slope.{ WARNINGCoasting downhill in N (Neutral)or with the ignition off isdangerous. The brakes will haveto do all the work of slowing downand they could get so hot that(Continued)WARNING (Continued)they would not work well. Youwould then have poor braking oreven none going down a hill.Steering may also be affectedwhen ignition is off. You couldcrash. Always have the enginerunning and the vehicle in gearwhen going downhill.. Stay in your own lane. Do notswing wide or cut across thecentre of the road. Drive atspeeds that let you stay in yourown lane.. Be alert on top of hills;something could be in your lane(stalled car, accident).. Pay attention to special roadsigns (falling rocks area, windingroads, long grades, overtaking orno-overtaking zones) and takeappropriate action.Winter DrivingDriving on Snow or IceDrive carefully when there is snowor ice between the tyres and theroad, creating less traction or grip.Wet ice can occur at about 0°C (32°F) when freezing rain begins to fall,resulting in even less traction. Avoiddriving on wet ice or in freezing rainuntil roads can be treated with saltor sand.Drive with caution, whatever thecondition. Accelerate gently sotraction is not lost. Accelerating tooquickly causes the wheels to spinand makes the surface under thetyres slick, so there is even lesstraction.Try not to break the fragile traction.If you accelerate too fast, the drivewheels will spin and polish thesurface under the tyres even more.