Black plate (2,1)Cadillac ATS (Europe) - 2013 - crc - 10/8/122-2 Keys, Doors, and WindowsThis key, inside the Remote KeylessEntry (RKE) transmitter, is used forthe driver door and glove box.To remove the key, press the buttonnear the bottom of the transmitter,and pull the key out. Never pull thekey out without pressing the button.See your dealer if a new key isneeded.Remote Keyless Entry(RKE) SystemDo not make changes ormodifications to the RKE. This couldvoid authorisation to use thisequipment.If there is a decrease in the RKEoperating range:. Check the distance. Thetransmitter may be too far fromthe vehicle.. Check the location. Othervehicles or objects may beblocking the signal.. Check the transmitter's battery.See “Battery Replacement” laterin this section.. If the transmitter is still notworking correctly, see yourdealer or a qualified technicianfor service.Remote Keyless Entry(RKE) System OperationThe RKE transmitter functions maywork up to 60 m (195 ft) away fromthe vehicle.Keep in mind that other conditions,such as those previously stated, canimpact the performance of thetransmitter.