Black plate (10,1)Cadillac ATS (Europe) - 2013 - crc - 10/8/1210-10 Vehicle CareHow to Check and Add FluidVisually check the brake/clutch fluidreservoir to make sure the fluid levelis at the MIN (minimum) line on theside of the reservoir. The brake/hydraulic clutch fluid system shouldbe closed and sealed.Do not remove the cap to check thefluid level or to top off the fluid level.Remove the cap only whennecessary to add the proper fluiduntil the level reaches the MIN line.Engine Air Cleaner/FilterThe engine air cleaner/filter islocated in the engine compartmenton the driver side of the vehicle.See Engine Compartment Overviewon page 10‑5 for location.When to Inspect the Engine AirCleaner/FilterInspect the air cleaner/filter at thescheduled maintenance intervals.See Scheduled Maintenance onpage 11‑1. If you are driving industy/dirty conditions, inspect thefilter at each engine oil change.How to Inspect the Engine AirCleaner/FilterTo inspect the engine air cleaner/filter, remove the filter from thevehicle and lightly shake the filter torelease loose dust and dirt. If thefilter remains covered with dirt, anew filter is required.To inspect or replace the air cleaner/filter:1. Remove the four screws and liftthe cover out of the assembly.2. Inspect or replace the engine aircleaner/filter.3. Lower the cover and secure withthe four screws.See Scheduled Maintenance onpage 11‑1 for replacement intervals.{ WARNINGOperating the engine with the aircleaner/filter off can cause you orothers to be burned. The aircleaner not only cleans the air; ithelps to stop flames if the enginebackfires. Use caution whenworking on the engine and do notdrive with the air cleaner/filter off.Notice: If the air cleaner/filter isoff, dirt can easily get into theengine, which could damage it.Always have the air cleaner/filterin place when you are driving.