Where to Put the RestraintAccident statistics show that children are safer if theyare restrained in the rear rather than the front seat. We,therefore, recommend that child restraints be securedin a rear seat, including an infant riding in a rear-facinginfant seat, a child riding in a forward-facing childseat and an older child riding in a booster seat. Neverput a rear-facing child restraint in the front passengerseat. Here is why:{CAUTION:A child in a rear-facing child restraint can beseriously injured or killed if the right frontpassenger’s air bag inflates. This is becausethe back of the rear-facing child restraintwould be very close to the inflating air bag.Always secure a rear-facing child restraint in arear seat.If you secure a forward-facing child restraint inthe right front seat, always move the frontpassenger seat as far back as it will go. It isbetter to secure the child restraint in a rear seat.{CAUTION:A child in a child restraint in the center frontseat can be badly injured or killed by the rightfront passenger’s air bag if it inflates. Neversecure a child restraint in the center front seat.It is always better to secure a child restraint inthe rear seat.If you secure a forward-facing child restraint inthe right front passenger seat, always movethe front passenger seat as far back as it willgo. It is better to secure the child restraint in arear seat.Wherever you install it, be sure to secure the childrestraint properly.Keep in mind that an unsecured child restraint canmove around in a collision or sudden stop and injurepeople in the vehicle. Be sure to properly secureany child restraint in your vehicle – even when no childis in it.1-37