Windshield Washer{CAUTION:In freezing weather, do not use your washeruntil the windshield is warmed. Otherwise thewasher fluid can form ice on the windshield,blocking your vision.At the top of the turn signal/multifunction lever there is apaddle with the word PUSH on it. To spray washer fluidon the windshield, press and release this paddle. Thewipers will clear the windshield and either stop or returnto your preset speed. For more washer cycles, press andhold the paddle.CHECK WASHER FLUID will be displayed on the DriverInformation Center (DIC) when the washer fluidreaches a low level.Cruise ControlWith cruise control, you can maintain a speed ofapproximately 25 mph (40 km/h) or more withoutkeeping your foot on the accelerator. This is helpful onlong trips. Cruise control does not work at speedsbelow about 25 mph (40 km/h). When cruise control ison, you will see a CRUISE light on the instrument panelcluster.When you apply your brakes, the cruise controlshuts off.{CAUTION:Cruise control can be dangerous where youcan not drive safely at a steady speed. So, donot use your cruise control on winding roadsor in heavy traffic.Cruise control can be dangerous on slipperyroads. On such roads, fast changes in tiretraction can cause needless wheel spinning,and you could lose control. Do not use cruisecontrol on slippery roads.If your vehicle is in cruise control when the tractioncontrol system begins to limit wheel spin, the cruisecontrol will automatically disengage. See TractionControl System (TCS) on page 4-9. When roadconditions allow you to safely use it again, you may turnthe cruise control back on.3-13