If your vehicle is first sold in the United States, the tripodometer will return to zero after 999.9 miles(1 609 km). If your vehicle is first sold in Canada, thetrip odometer will return to zero after 1,242 miles(1 999 km). The RESET TRIP A/B button only resetsthe trip mode (A or B) that is being displayed. Each tripmode must be reset individually.Display ModeOn vehicles equipped with the analog cluster, thisbutton is located between the trip odometer andENG/MET button to the left of the steering wheel on theinstrument panel. Press DSPL MODE to turn thebacklighting and the digital speed image on and off.On vehicles equipped with the digital cluster, pressDSPL MODE to turn the digital displays other than thespeedometer and gear display on and off.English/Metric ButtonBy pressing this buttonlocated to the left of thesteering wheel on theinstrument panel, you cango back and forth fromEnglish (miles) tometric (kilometers).Other readings such as temperature, fuel and tripodometer also go back and forth between English andmetric.Vehicle Speed LimiterThis feature prevents your vehicle from exceedingspeeds that the tires are not rated for. When thishappens, the engine’s fuel supply is shut off. When thevehicle speed slows, the fuel supply will come on again.3-45