Playing a Cassette TapeYour tape player is built to work best with tapes that areup to 30 to 45 minutes long on each side. Tapeslonger than that are so thin that they may not work wellin this player. The longer side with the tape visibleshould face to the right. If the ignition is on, but the radiois off, the tape can be inserted and will begin playing.If you hear nothing or hear a garbled sound, thetape may not be in squarely. Press the eject button toremove the tape and start over.Your tape bias is set automatically when a metal orchrome tape is inserted.If you want to insert a tape while the ignition or radio isoff, first press the eject button. Cassette tape adapterkits for portable CD players will work in your cassettetape player.While the tape is playing, use the VOL, TONE, LEVEL,and DSP controls just as you do for the radio. Othercontrols may have different functions when a tapeis inserted. The display will show an underlined tapesymbol. TAPE PLAY will appear on the display when atape is playing, with an arrow to indicate which sideof the tape is playing.Your cassette tape player automatically reducesbackground noise. Dolby® Noise Reduction ismanufactured under a license from Dolby ® LaboratoriesLicensing Corporation. Dolby ® and the double-Dsymbol are trademarks of Dolby® Laboratories LicensingCorporation.If an error appears on the display, see “Cassette TapeMessages” later in this section.1 PREV (Previous): Your tape must have at least threeseconds of silence between each selection for previousto work. Press this pushbutton to seek to the previousselection on the tape.2 NEXT: Your tape must have at least three seconds ofsilence between each selection for next to work.Press this pushbutton to seek to the next selection onthe tape.3 { RW (Rewind): Press this pushbutton to rewindthe tape rapidly. The radio will play while the taperewinds. Press RW again to return to playing speed.4 FF | (Fast Forward): Press this pushbutton to fastforward to another part of the tape. The radio willplay while the tape advances. Press FF again to returnto playing speed.3-97