Section 5 – Data Field Descriptions5-7FIELD TITLE and DATA ENTRIES EXPLANATION077850 Enable Dialer Reports for Panics& Duress (partition-specific)0 = disable1 = enableThis field has four entries as follows: Zone 995, 996, 999, Duress Enable foreach partition that the panics and duress reporting is desired.NOTE: Non-zero report code must be assigned to zone 992 (duress) toenable Duress reporting.077870 Entry Warning (partition-specific)0 = 3 short beeps1 = slow continuous beepsSelect the type of warning for the entry delay period.077880 Burglary Alarm CommunicatorDelay (partition-specific)0 = no delay1 = 16-second delaySelect the delay, if any, for burglary alarm communications.Must be 0 for UL installations.077890 Restore Report Timing0 = instant1 = after bell timeout2 = when system is disarmedSelect the time when restore reports are sent after an alarm.Must be 2 for UL commercial fire and burglary installations.077900 Secondary Subscriber AccountNumber (partition-specific)Enter 00-09; B-F (11-15)Enter a 3- or 4-digit (depending on report format) primary subscriber accountnumber. Each number requires a 2-digit entry so as to allow entry ofhexadecimal digits (B-F). If a 3-digit account number is to be used, enter dataonly in the first 3 locations, and enter * in the fourth location.NOTE: This fieldmust be programmed if a secondary phone number is used(field *34). This account number can be the same as the primary accountnumber.177170 Lobby Partition0 = none1-8 = partition numberSelect the Common Lobby Partition.177180 Affects Lobby (partition-specific)0 = disable1 = enableIf enabled, causes lobby partition to disarm when this partition disarms.NOTE: This partition must be armed before lobby can be armed.177190 Arms Lobby (partition-specific)0 = disable1 = enableIf enabled, arming this partition causes the system to attempt to arm the lobbypartition. Field, field 1*18 must also be enabled (partition-specific).NOTES:The lobby cannot be armed unless all partitions programmed for “affect” (field1*18) is already armed.If his field is enabled, Field 1*18 for this partition must also be enabled.Exit Error Logic Enable0 = disable1 = enableIf enabled, the system at the end of exit delay, if an entry door or an interiorzone is left open, starts the entry delay period, and activates the NotificationAppliance Circuit(s), and keypad sounders for the duration of entry delay.This gives the user time to re-enter the premises and disarm the systembefore exit error occurs.If the user does not re-enter the premises and disarm the system, the systembypasses the faulted entry/exit and/or interior zone(s). The rest of the systemis armed. Also, the following dialer reports are sent to the central station ifprogrammed:Exit Error by User (not sent when is using ADEMCO High Speed format);Entry/Exit or Interior Alarm with the zone number;Bypass reports.UL Exit Error Logic is not suitable for use in a UL installation (must be 0).177200