VISTA-32FB/VISTA-128FB Installation and Setup Guide3-4Installing External SoundersThe VISTA-32FB/VISTA-128FB provides twoNotification Appliance Circuits for operating fire andburglary alarm notification appliances. Each circuit israted as follows: 10VDC – 14VDC, 1.7A max., power-limited. NOTE: The total alarm current drawn fromAuxiliary Power 1, Auxiliary Power 2, polling loop, Bell1, and Bell 2 cannot exceed 2.3 amps for battery-independent operation.The outputs has the following options:x Selectable for supervision.x Selectable to activate by individual zoneassignmentsx Selectable for confirmation of arming ding.x Selectable to chime when entry/exit or perimeterzones are faulted.x Selectable for steady or pulsingx Selectable for no timeout or timeout of 2-30minutes.If you purchased a kit containing the PS24Power Supply Module, you may use thismodule to convert one or both VISTA-32FB/VISTA-128FB 12VDC, 1.7A style-Ysupervised Notification Appliance Circuits to24VFW, 1.7A style-Y supervised NotificationAppliance Circuits.UL x Burglary Notification Appliance Circuitsmust be programmed for a timeout of 16minutes or longer.x Commercial fire alarm systems requireNotification Appliance Circuits to besupervised.x This control complies with National FireProtection Association (NFPA)requirements for temporal pulse soundingof fire notification appliances.Notification Appliance Circuit SupervisionWhen supervision is enabled, the VISTA-32FB/VISTA-128FB monitors the Notification Appliance Circuitswiring for open and short circuit faults while the outputis inactive. The system provides a trouble indication(Zone 970 Bell 1; 971 Bell 2) when an open occurs; orwhen a short occurs between the Bell (+) and Bell (-)terminal wiring, or between the Bell (+) terminal wiringand earth ground.The VISTA-32FB/VISTA-128FB indicates the troublecondition regardless of whether the system is armed ordisarmed. The zone displays on the keypads, reports tothe event log, and transmits to the central station (ifprogrammed) on Partition 1. The trouble is cleared fromthe display by entering the user code + OFF.Wiring the Alarm OutputThe wiring of the Notification Appliance Circuitsdepends upon whether you are going to supervise thecircuit or not. Use the appropriate procedure below foryour application.UL Use only UL Listed sounding devices for ULinstallations.Compatible Alarm Indicating DevicesModel Device TypeADEMCO AB12 Grade A BellSystem Sensor PA400B(beige/PA400R (red)Indoor piezo sounderrated at 90dB @ 10 feet.System Sensor MA-12/24 HornSystem Sensor SS1215 ADA StrobeSystem Sensor SS121575 ADA StrobeSystem Sensor MASS1215 ADA Horn/StrobeSystem Sensor MASS121575 ADA Horn/StrobeSystem Sensor MA/SS-12 Horn/StrobeWheelock LS1-12-VFR StrobeWheelock MS1-12-VFR StrobeWheelock MT-12-LS-VFR Horn/StrobeWheelock MT4-12-LS-VFR Horn/StrobeWheelock MT-12-MS-VFR Horn/StrobeWheelockMT4-12-MS-VFR Horn/StrobeGentex GXS-2-15 StrobeGentex GXS-2-1575 StrobeGentex SHG-12-15 Horn/StrobeGentex SHG-12-1575 Horn/StrobeFaraday 5336L-U-14-12-DC Horn/StrobeFaraday 5337-L-U-14-12-DC Horn/Strobe