VISTA-32FB/VISTA-128FB Installation and Setup Guide10-2PROMPT EXPLANATIONAUTO-TEST DET?0=NO 1=YESEnter 1 (YES) to have the system automatically test all polling loop points with a fire response type 9 or 16.Other fire zones will have to be tested manually.Enter 0 (NO) to test every point manually.The next prompt will be displayed.For true detector sensitivity tests, and for compliance with fire codes, you must enter 0 (NO) to this question.LOG RESULTS?0=NO 1=YESEnter 1 (YES) to have the system log each point as it is tested. A list of untested points will also be logged.Enter 0 (NO) if you do not want to log the results.The next prompt will only be displayed if Contact ID report format has been selected.C.S. TRANSMIT?0=NO 1=YESEnter 1 (YES) to have the results of the test sent to the central station. This report will consist of a list ofpoints that have been tested followed by a list of points that have not been tested.Enter 0 (NO) if you do not want to report the results. A Walk-Test Start and Walk-Test End report will besent in either case (if programmed).When the Test Mode is activated, the system will soundfire Notification Appliance Circuits (or any NAC havinga non-zero response type programmed in the #93 MenuMode) for 3 seconds. The system will also send a Startof Walk-Test message to the central station, and willlight all keypad indicators (except the ARMED LED)and display window segments to verify that they areworking properly. The keypads will then display FireWalk-Test in Progress and will sound a single beepevery 15 seconds while this test is active.The system will build a list of all the fire zones(response types 9, 16, 17, 18) that need to be tested.These points will be scrolled on the display. For eachpoint, the keypad will display "UNTST XXX," whereXXX is the point number, followed by an alphadescriptor for the point.If the auto-test option has been selected, the controlpanel will attempt to automatically test all of thepolling loop points that have a zone response type of 9or 16. For points that must be manually tested, faultand reset each fire alarm sensor in turn.Each action should cause keypads to beep and fireNotification Appliance Circuits to ding. The keypadswill display the zone number and the associated alphadescriptor while the zone remains faulted. The systemautomatically issues a smoke detector power resetabout 10 seconds after it finds a fault on one of thesezones, to allow faulted detectors to be reset.The system will automatically perform thesmoke detector reset on zones 1 & 2, ifprogrammed for fire, and on the auxiliary relayand any other output device (relay) that isprogrammed for smoke detector reset.To end the test, enter any security code and press OFF.An End of Walk-Test message will be sent to the centralstation (if programmed). Note that the test willautomatically end if no faults are detected within a 60-minute time period.Burglary Walk-Test (Code + [5] TEST)This test causes the system to sound keypad beeps inresponse to faults on zones for the purpose of allowingproper zone operation to be checked without triggeringalarms. This test can be activated by any user byentering the corresponding security code and pressingTEST while the burglary portion of the system isdisarmed. UL requires that this test be conducted on aweekly basis.When this test is first entered, the system activates thealarm output for 3 seconds. The system sends a Start ofWalk-Test message to the central station. The keypaddisplays “Burg Walk Test in Progress” and sounds asingle beep every 15 seconds while the test remainsactive.Open and close each protected door and window in turn.Each action should produce 3 beeps from the keypad.Walk in front of any motion detectors. Listen for threebeeps when the detector senses movement. The keypaddisplays the zone number and alpha descriptor while adoor or window remains open or while a detectorremains activated. The system automatically issues aZone 8 Glassbreak Detector Power Reset about 10seconds after it finds a fault on this zone, to allowfaulted detectors to be reset.To end this test, enter any security code and press OFF.An End of Walk-Test message is sent to the centralstation.