Section 4 – Programming4-7Type 21: Arm-AWAY (5800 Series devices only)Causes the system to arm in the AWAY mode when thezone is activated.Type 22: Disarm (5800 Series devices only)Causes the system to disarm when the zone isactivated.Type 23: No Alarm ResponseUsed on a zone when an output relay action is desired,but with no accompanying alarm (e.g., for lobby dooraccess).Type 27: Access PointAssign this zone type to an input device (hardwiredzone, wireless zone, keypad, access control relay, etc.)that controls an access entry point (e.g., a door). Theaccess point entry relay can be assigned to an accesscontrol relay (controlled by the VISTA-32FB/VISTA-128FB), ECP relay (4204), or to the access controlsystem independent of the VISTA-32FB/VISTA-128FB.Type 28: Main Logic Board (MLB) SupervisionUsed to supervise the MLB. If communication betweenthe MLB and the VISTA Gateway Module (VGM) fails,a trouble condition is annunciated for the zone. Also, ifthe communication fails, all access control system(ACS) input zones also display a “CHECK.”Type 29: Momentary ExitUsed to cause an access point programmed for entry torevert to an exit point for 15 seconds. After the 15seconds, it automatically reverts back to an entry point.Use this zone type only with VistaKey modules.NOTE FOR PANIC KEYS: Keypad panic zones share thesame zone response type for all 8 partitions, but panicsmay be individually enabled for each partition.IMPORTANT! FAULT ANNUNCIATIONPolling loop and RF troubles (zones 988, 990, and 997)report as trouble conditions only, and as such, should beassigned zone type 19 if annunciation is desired. SeePolling Loop Supervision andRF System Operation andSupervision inSECTION 3: Installing the Control for moreinformation.Zone Input Type DefinitionsEach zone must be assigned an input type, whichdefines the where the system will “look” for status ofthe zone (RF receiver, polling loop, etc.). Zone inputtypes are defined below.Type 01 Hardwired (HW)Reserved for the built-in hardwired zones 1-8.Type 03 Supervised RF (RF)Select for 5800 Series transmitters that will besupervised for check-in signals. The transmitter mustremain within the receiver’s range.Type 04 Unsupervised RF (UR)Select for 5800 Series transmitters that will not besupervised for check-in signals. The transmitter maytherefore be carried off-premises.Type 05 Unsupervised Button RF (BR)Select for 5800 Series transmitters specifically designedfor this input type. These transmitters send only faultsignals. They do not send low-battery signals until theyare activated. The transmitter may be carried off-premises.Type 06 Serial Number Polling Loop (SL)Use for V-Plex devices with a built-in serial number.For VistaKey, select this type for Door Status MonitorBackup DSMB. If local power to the VistaKey is lost, aV-Plex SIM, located on the VistaKey board, is powereddirectly from the polling loop and reports the state ofthe DSM via the standard V-Plex polling system.NOTE: To obtain the DSMB function, the Input Typemust be defined as 06, and the next prompt in ZoneProgramming (Access Point) must contain the AccessPoint number (01-8) (address of the VistaKey module).Type 07 DIP Switch Loop (DP)Select for polling loop devices that use DIP switches forprogramming the zone number of the device.Type 08 Dip Switch Polling Loop Right Loop (PS)Select for the second loop of two-zone polling loopdevices (e.g., 4190WH; 4278).Type 09 Console Input (CS)Select when this zone is to be controlled by a keypadinput (user code + [#] + [7] + [3]) for access control.Type 10 PassPoint Access Control (ACS)Select when this zone is mapped to a zone on thePassPoint Access Control System.Type11 VistaKey Door Status Monitor (DSM)Select this input type when using a VistaKey moduleconnected to a door. This must be programmed for eachVistaKey module to provide the DSM zone mapping apanel zone. If this is not programmed the panel will not“see” the VistaKey module.It is also used to determine the door is opened after acard swipe or if the door is being held open. The deviceis normally a magnetic switch mounted on the door.The status of the switch is different when the door is inan open position.Type 12 VistaKey Request to Exit (RTE)Use this input type to map an uncommitted RTE zoneto an alarm panel zone. This input type is not normallyused if the zone is used for a request-to-exit function.Type 13 VistaKey General Purpose (GP)This input type operates in the same manner as otheralarm panel zones and is provided so that a zone in theproximity of the VistaKey can be wired without havingto run additional wiring from the control panel.