VISTA-32FB/VISTA-128FB Installation and Setup Guide3-6If field 3✳61 = 4, the auxiliary relay remains activateduntil User Code + # + 67 is entered. This option can beused for elevator recall or ventilator shutdown on firealarms. By default, the relay is set to activate on alarmzones 1-8 with no timeout (field 3✳61 = 1).When field 3✳61 = 1, the auxiliary relay can beprogrammed to give a brief activation for confirmationof arming ding (field 3✳57) or Chime Mode (field 3✳59).NOTES:USE NON-POLARIZED INDICATING DEVICES.WIRING IS NOT SUPERVISED.DO NOT EXCEED RATINGS OF THE SUPPLY USED.IF AUX. PWR. 1 OUTPUT IS USED, THE COMBINEDALARM CURRENT DRAIN FROM AUX. PWR. 2,BELL 1, AND BELL 2 CANNOT EXCEED 2.3A MAX.belloutput-005-V08 12117AUX RELAY FACTORY DEFAULTSACTIVATES FOR ZONES 1-8 ALARMS(STEADY ALARM OUTPUT).NO TIMEOUT.109+AUX PWR #1GROUNDPOLEN.O.N.C.CAN DRAW POWER FROMAUX. PWR. 1 OUTPUT ORFROM SEPARATE SUPPLY.ALARMFigure 3-7: Wiring Auxiliary Relay for Alarm ActivationTrouble/Supervisory Activation(3✳61 = 0) Steady activation in response to any zone orsystem related trouble condition or to any firesupervisory condition. The auxiliary relay remainsactivated until all fault conditions have been correctedand a User Code + OFF is entered.4-Wire Smoke Detector Reset(3✳61 = 2) Momentary (6-second) activation in responseto a second entry of a User Code + OFF sequencefollowing a fire alarm condition. This interrupts powerto 4-wire smoke detectors connected to hardwired zones1-8 and polling loop zones, allowing the detectors to bereset. Power to the detectors should be wired to theauxiliary relay and to Aux. Power 1 output, see Figure3-8.Battery Saver(3✳61 = 3) When this option is selected, the auxiliaryrelay is normally activated (e.g., N.O. and pole contactsare connected) and de-activates 4 hours after the startof AC Loss. Using this feature, non-critical loads, suchas supplementary keypads, can be disconnected fromthe auxiliary power outputs, allowing a smallercapacity battery to be used. The relay re-activateswithin a few seconds after the AC power restores.+--+-+• EOLPOWERSUPERVISIONRELAYMODULEA77-716B4-WIRE SMOKEDETECTORS2000OHMEOLRHEATDETECTOR+–BLK+-ZONETERMINALS(15-27)1211109N.O.POLEN.C.Aux. Pwr 1CONTROLPANEL•SHOWN POWERED.RELAY OPENS WHENPOWER IS LOSTAUXILIARY RELAY87+Keypad Prt 14_wiresmk-005-V0Figure 3-8: Wiring Auxiliary Relay for Smoke Detector Reset